Requirements to the authors

Requirements to authors submitting papers for publication:

  1. Papers submitted for publication should not have been published before.
  2. Papers will only be accepted by the Editorial Board if they are completed and presented in their final version.
  3. Papers should not be larger than 18 standard pages (up to 1850 characters, including the character spacing) while the scientific announcements (communiqués) and reviews should not exceed 8 pages. The total volume of the materials covers the text itself, the tables and the figures, the reference list, the annotation (not more than half a page) and the abstract (up to one page and a half in Bulgarian or in English).
  4. The texts have to be submitted in digital format .doc -Word for Windows, Font Style Times New Roman or Arial, Size 12, line spacing 1.5.
  5. The maps and diagrams (colour or black-and-white) have to be put under a separate file in format .jpg, .tiff, .psd, and are required to be of high quality.
  6. The reference list is required to observe the following rules: the names of the authors have to be written in Latin alphabet, followed by the proceedings given in alphabetical order.

Postal address of the “Problems of Geography” Editorial Board:

Sofia 1113, 3 “Acad. Georgi Bonchev” Str., fl. 3, cab. 316 (309), Bulgaria
Tel.: 00 359 2 870 02 04; 00 359 2 979 3361; 00 359 2 979 3214