Requirements to authors submitting papers for publication:
- Papers submitted for publication should not have been published before.
- Papers will only be accepted by the Editorial Board if they are completed and presented in their final version.
- Papers should not be larger than 18 standard pages (up to 1850 characters, including the character spacing) while the scientific announcements (communiqués) and reviews should not exceed 8 pages. The total volume of the materials covers the text itself, the tables and the figures, the reference list, the annotation (not more than half a page) and the abstract (up to one page and a half in Bulgarian or in English).
- The texts have to be submitted in digital format .doc -Word for Windows, Font Style Times New Roman or Arial, Size 12, line spacing 1.5.
- The maps and diagrams (colour or black-and-white) have to be put under a separate file in format .jpg, .tiff, .psd, and are required to be of high quality.
- The reference list is required to observe the following rules: the names of the authors have to be written in Latin alphabet, followed by the proceedings given in alphabetical order.
Postal address of the “Problems of Geography” Editorial Board:
Sofia 1113, 3 “Acad. Georgi Bonchev” Str., fl. 3, cab. 316 (309), BulgariaTel.: 00 359 2 870 02 04; 00 359 2 979 3361; 00 359 2 979 3214